Being a part of Genau
We provide support while we are physically active
At Genau & More, we are happy to support events that have a health and preventive purpose. This could, for example, include Hjerteløbet (The Heart Run), lifestyle events and campaigns.
We are also happy to lead the way as active athletes, with the motto: “Genau & More Ahead... Try to Keep Up”. Such as in the yearly DHL relay race.
Healthy work-life balance is a common responsibility
We believe that physical and mental well-being are critical for creating the frameworks for the best development and for behaviour that promotes development. Therefore, through our pension and insurance scheme, we always make sure that our employees are financially and medically well-insured. Furthermore, we strive to make a healthy work-life balance our common responsibility. We want you to combine your work with your family life in such a way that both you and your family are happy.
We want you to feel good and to recognise yourself in our values
And that you see yourself as part of a community with good colleagues whom you can trust, communicate with freely and openly and continue to develop together.
A fundamental concept of our health and job satisfaction policy is that you should be comfortable at Genau & More and as part of the team. Part of the challenge is that we each spend most of our time with our clients. Therefore, we strive to arrange team-building events several times annually.